Every human being has ups and downs throughout their lives, their emotional side is never on the same level due to the circumstances they have to face everyday. “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you” Job 42:5 NIV

Every human being has ups and downs throughout their lives, their emotional side is never on the same level due to the circumstances they have to face everyday, and we as a christian aren’t exempt from this; for us this emotional side is overcome by our spiritual side and its for this very reason that lived experiences won’t be the same for those of us who have accepted Christ and trust completely in him, as it will be for those who have denied him and rejected him as their saviour or that having accepted him deny him with the way they live their lives.

I invite you to come with me symbolically and spiritually to the Happiness Fair. There, we’ll find many attractions but at this moment we will focus in “God’s Roller Coaster”…

To the side there is a sign that reads: You are my special guest, I’ve waited for you with love, come and get on it, let’s start this ride together, your ticket has already being paid.

Standing in front of it, there are those who don’t hesitate to get on it, those who want to get on it but are afraid and after thinking about it go and get on it. Then there are those who don’t accept the invitation and even though it has been announced that there is no price to pay, that someone already paid for them, respond: “No, I’m not prepared”, “I’m not ready yet to leave certain things I’m carrying”, “Maybe another time”. These are nothing but excuses to not accept the invitation.

But those of us who accept it, start our walk with Christ sitting on that little cart or wagon on the “roller coaster” that will define our destiny. We are filled with joy for having accepted the challenge and with great expectations of what is to come, we trust we will rejoice, but we also know that there will come a time when we’ll need more than a sigh because we will be entering the point where our braveness will be tested:

From the start of the climb, it is imperative that we worship God and give glory and honor to him for having rescued us from the abyss in which we were. He has seated us next to him and has taken us to the cusp. However, to complete the ride on the “roller coaster” it is necessary to go through it’s ups and downs.

The lower part of the roller coaster represents every experience that causes sadness or pain in a person’s life, it is a process that will help them gain maturity. For christians it represents the inevitable trials that we must go through to reach a true success. It is there, in the lower part where we are overcome by circumstances in which only God’s love and mercy can help us get back up to the cusp. There, we truly get to know God, because we see him working in our lives according to our needs and ministering us wonderfully! By the power of his love.

It is necessary to stand firm and trusting God, even in the midst of our trials, and when everything is over we’ll be able to say like Job: “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you” (Job 42:5 NIV)

Symbolically, is necessary for everyone to go through the roller coaster from beginning to end, this represents the life of men on this earth, which is why is inevitable to experience every up and down from beginning to end. Literally it’s part of life itself: we are born, we grow up, we breed and then we die. Even if men wanted to stop growing old and go back to being a kid, he can’t. We must continue the path we were given.

If you accepted Jesus invitation to his roller coaster,  it wouldn’t be normal that, on the way, the cart your riding should suddenly stop or worse yet turns back.

Spiritually speaking, for us Christians, turning back would mean going back to our previous way of living. Then we would be like his word tells us in proverbs 26:11 “as a dog returns to his vomit, so fools repeat their folly” (NIV)

If it were the case that your cart has turned back, meaning there is something that has separated you from God due to the way you have behaved or the decision you have made, come to God with a sincere heart, he is great in forgiveness and his love is greater than our mistakes. He wants to walk with you always and guide you on the correct path for your life.

If you aren’t yet a believer and haven’t climbed God’s roller coaster, one more time he is extending his invitation, accept the challenge and come on board, your ticket has being paid for by Jesus’ blood. Just believe! And you will be greatly blessed.

It doesn’t matter we’re in the ride your cart is, God wants you to know, to be sure that you aren’t alone. With assurance you must say “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits” (Psalms 103:2 NIV). With your actions, make that cart continue its course and don’t stop, keep moving forward…

“Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Marcos 5:36

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