How the idea of opening this blog was born?

Process and Development

In my heart there is a great desire to preach the gospel, but as Christians we know that it is the Holy Spirit who distributes the gifts to each of us. I have been blessed with writing and even though I can’t go around the world preaching the gospel, I can do it through social media that nowadays has become a great blessing and help in this ministry. The work it’s Christ’s but the growing will come from the Holy Spirit. He will open doors to get where there is need, I’m only his unworthy servant that does what He has called me to do (Luke 17:10)

This is how…

The idea of opening this blog was born. Early one morning God spoke to me clearly and reminded me about what he had been talking to me in the past so I could put into practice. He gave me the name and the design of the blog, that morning when I woke up I had the vision of how it should be, I just took a pen and paper and started putting everything down. With the help of a graphic designer, and brother in Christ, we were able to finalize what had started with colored pencils and paper. This is how we now have a logo that bears the name that was born in God’s heart, Sprinkle of Love and Hope, to God be the glory!

Sprinkle of Love and Hope has been thought of with the only purpose to help those without hope and to encourage the weary. The Bible verse that it’s the foundation of this ministry is found in Mark 5:36.

“Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Even if the trial it’s tough, just believe!” For honor and glory of God.

“Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Marcos 5:36

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