23 Bendecido para bendecirGod blesses those who give willingly and rejoices when in obedience we give to others, not waiting for anything in return.

 “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Malachi 3:10.

Sometimes it’s hard for us to believe what God has said and we think that if we give what we have, we might not have any if we need it in the future; but what we must understand and remember at all times is that God’s thoughts aren’t our own. God wants to bless us and that is why he demands from us obedience to his words, which instructs us in every area of our lives.
We must realize that when we feel in our hearts the need to bless others is because God has put it there, He wants us to bless others with what He has blessed us with. He helps us see it through and protects us, however sometimes He asks something of us that we don’t feel capable of doing and we question his commands, we might think: why doesn’t anyone else do it? I’m not capable of this! Is not within my means! I can’t do it! etc.

God has equipped us with what we need to be a blessing to others, and to serve joyfully. He blesses our finances not only to satisfy our needs but also to be able to bless others with it.
We live by faith, waiting for what we can’t see and trusting whom we can’t see, and even so we feel God working wonders in difficult situations we face; even when we don’t feel him, he is there covering us with his presence.

If you are a new believer, I encourage you to trust God and to give Him what belongs to Him. When he puts in your heart the desire to give to others what you are probably in need of, listen to the calling and give freely and joyfully. When giving to others don’t expect God to give it back to you, do it because you’ll make others happy. God will take care of your needs and will make sure you want for nothing.

IMG 2615 1The first blessing we receive is and always will be a spiritual blessing, right at the moment we accept Jesus Christ, after that comes a physical blessing, he gives us a privileged position, to serve and not to be served. After comes a material blessing, He is our provider and nothing we may own comes from our own effort.
(Luke 12:13-21 The Parable of the Rich Fool)
Let’s not forget that under God’s cover you’ll not only have his spiritual blessing but also the other two blessings, and this is not to boast or to think more of ourselves but to serve others and bless them.

Many years ago at work, I had a coworker who wasn’t in a privileged position as the rest of us, she was very responsible in her duties but was very reserved when it came to her private life. One day she found herself in need, she was short on money to provide for a need and to my surprise she sought me out and asked me for help. Since I didn’t have the total amount she needed I enlisted the help of another friend, I’ll never forget what she said to me: “what a blessing it is she trusted you enough to come to you and ask for help.
When we take the opportunity to help others, we will see clearly that God has blessed us to bless; we will feel joy in helping and it will not feel like a burden.

If someone comes to you asking for help, consider yourself blessed. First of all because you have what someone else needs, second of all because it gives you an opportunity to share what you have without expecting anything in return.

That is the way God works, when we bless others, He gives us a doble blessing, just as long as we do it with a joyful heart not thinking of what we’ll receive from God. Just like his word tell us, when we do something for others is like we are doing it for God, he always blesses the joyful giver!

«If you want to share with us al your God's blessing, just go ahead "contact us" and let us know, but if you just want prayer, don't hesitate and keep in touch»

“Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Marcos 5:36

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