23 Bendecido para bendecir“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Every human being, rich or poor, has the capacity to give because God has given them intelligence, abilities, gifts and talents. There is no excuse not to give to our neighbor when God has given us in abundance. God doesn’t expect you to give everything you have, he expects you to have a generous heart, a giving heart, and giving is not only about material things, we also give when we serve others.
We usually complain we don’t have time to do this or that, and we have lost sight of what we must do like taking the time to give and to learn and develop because we are living through hard times and we can’t just sit cross-armed and not doing anything.
Very abruptly we have enter the age of technology and some of us have had to relearn what we thought we knew and we’ll have to keep learning as long as we are in this world.
In this new reality we are living in we mustn’t be negative, we must live every day acknowledging that everything happens because it’s God’s will and his word is being fulfilled so that we may come to know him and believe in him.

Now more than ever we must share with others, there is need everywhere and sooner or later we will have the opportunity to step up and give.
We are saying – we will have the opportunity to give – because its not an obligation, it’s a choice to be a blessing to others, a very precious privilege; Jesus has given us a great example of serving others, in his word he instructed his disciples to give and to serve.

Matthew 25:40 NIV
The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’

Jesus was associating the earthly with the spiritual so that his disciples could understand the way God works with us. He blesses us when we give with joy to our neighbor; when we let go of what we have in service to others he takes care of us and our needs as well. He is not offering us material riches but a spiritual one that will overflow and will help you live with joy and peace in your heart.

23 Bendecido para bendecirHowever it’s true that He is the owner of the gold and silver (Haggai 2:8) and he blesses who he wants, therefore if it’s in his will he can also give material riches and those who are blessed with them must try and act according to his will because in time we will all be held accountable for what we were given. In his word we are told of a rich man who had much but who was keeping his treasure to himself and wouldn’t share what he had. Jesus referred to him as a fool man, before telling them the story he tells them: “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Luke‬ ‭12:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬

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We’ve heard it say,
“Giving is how we receive”, and I’ve lived it in my walk with God, there have been times when all I had was the money to pay my bills and I felt a calling in my heart to share that with someone else, with a little bit of doubt and joy I’ve been able to share and see the way God has blessed me afterwards. In the same way God touched my heart to give, he touched others to bless me when I needed it. Many times that blessing has come from people who don’t serve God.
God is wonderful, because he also gives the opportunity to those who don’t know him to be a blessing to us, in doing so an “alliance” is established between who the one who gives and the one who receives, we in turn remember who blessed us and in our prayers we remember to ask our Holy Father who is in heaven to bless them and bring them to Christ.

“It is better to give than to receive” it is absolutely true!
Nobody can give what they don’t already have, therefore if we have something we can give something. We give because what we have we have received from God and not through our own efforts. He has blessed us not to store that blessing for us but to bless others.

23 Bendecido para bendecir IIOne such and example is found in the story of Joseph.
Joseph was sold by his own brothers, and even while he was a slave he didn’t limit himself in the serving of others. As a slave he didn’t posses anything but he was spiritually blessed by God, who had given him intelligence and the gift of interpreting dreams, all of which he put to the service of others. He guarded himself from temptation and was faithful to God in everything, this pleased God very much and he was awarded with much, and not to save it for himself. He blessed not only his family and the brothers who had sold him but the whole nation he was sold to, even those who mistreat him.
Everything was part of God’s plan of salvation and an opportunity to show us, through Joseph’s life, that is possible to please God even when our circumstances seem against us.

There is always something to give, we can give God glory any time and anywhere, we can give God a little of what he has given us and we can also give to our neighbors. There are those who don’t believe God works that way but he challenges us in his word.

As long as there is a grateful heart, there’ll be a desire to give with joy, and to give to God’s ministry so that his word can keep spreading and many can be saved through it. I encourage you to trust and believe God, he loves you and his thought are for you, thoughts of peace. He wants to bless you in every area of your life, never give up , keep trusting him and he’ll do it.

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“Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Marcos 5:36

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