22 No moriré Viviré“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever… I will not die but live, and proclaim what the Lord has done.” Psalms 118:1,17

Giving praise and glory to God for what he does is everyone’s responsibility. For us christians it’s impossible to stay quiet, we can’t hold it in, we feel the need to talk about God’s wonders and his special care for us specially when we live it in our lives.

In the more than 15 years I’ve served the Lord I’ve faced many battles next to the winning team - Jesus’s Team - that means I also obtained many victories.
I’ve seen God working in every area of my life and I can say with all certainty: “Ebenezer… thus far the Lord has helped me” 1 Samuel 7:12

Jesuschrist brings me from triumph to triumph!

The previous Articles, I’ll Always Help You and It is Written describe the process I went through with the virus that has affected the whole world. I understand the Lord in his infinite mercy prepared me for what I was about to face. One day I found myself without strength, breathless and the Lord allowed me to read those words again and comprehend that he was taking great care of me. I rejoiced in re-reading the blogs because God ministered my life through them in a great way.

22 NO MORIRE VIVIREGod was with me during this process, after experiencing suffering to the point of almost losing my life, I could feel him working in me in a powerful way. I was never alone, he breathed life to me; when I thought I was about to join him in heaven, his peace and joy surrounded me completely, it was incredible.

How will I not speak of his wonders and his love for us with joy? He has great care for us, this is not the end of our lives, there is more to come.

Where will we go after we die? That’s up to us and the choices we make in life.

Jesus is to me:
♥My absolute peace
♥The one who lifts me up
♥My provider (health: physical and mental)
♥Sole administrator of my finances
The one who guides my steps and doing his will is my joy

There is nothing that brings me more joy than to be in his will, it’s an unexplainable joy that drives me to share and wish this joy to everyone so they could feel what I feel, especially when I think about my children, my family and of course, my friends.
I rejoice in the Lord when I find out a childhood friend has accepted Christ as his one and only savior, also when some one who has gone astray comes back and re-dedicates his life to God.
Even if I don’t know that person well, it still fills me with joy, because I know my Father in heaven must be rejoicing and is welcoming them with open arms.

«Don’t wait any longer, if you need prayer or just share your story and testimony, go to the contacts section and write to us so that together we give thanks»

God manifested in my life a long time ago with this words: “I have love you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” Jeremiah 31:3

These are God’s words not only to me but to those who accept his son Jesuschrist. Since I gave my life to him, I've faced multiple trials, however his mercy has surrounded me and protected me from the enemy’s attacks. My request before him is to keep me and my family safe, and even if I don't get to see with my own eyes his plans fulfilling in our lives, my hope and faith won’t fade, because it will be done in his time, according to his will, amen!

I encourage you to put your trust in God, because he is good and his mercy is forever. He turns adversity into blessing as long as we trust in him fully and not on our own understanding.

22 No morire VivireWith Jesus on our side even death has meaning and it’s a reason to rejoice not only for the one who leaves to be with God but to family and friends who rejoice in knowing that their loved one has left to be with Him and is now enjoying His presence.

If any of you have suffered the loss of a loved one who served God or that maybe gave his life to him right at the end, you know that even though there is an emptiness due to the loss there is also joy in knowing that person is in His presence.

Therefore it’s time to lift up your spirits, look up to heaven where your help comes from, God is telling you: “you are not alone, my love, fidelity and mercy will be with you everyday of your life and when you come to the end of it I’ll also be there helping you so that your joy and peace remain to your last breath” Take comfort and keep going, there is an open door for everyone that has closed. It’s God who opens doors that no one can close. Praised be the Lord forever, from generation to generation.

Dare to put your trust in God, rejoice in adversity because sooner than later, he will reward you.

If God has touched your heart and you wish to accept him as your saviour, right there where you are, pray to Him, reach out to him and ask forgiveness for your sins, confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Lord.

«Keep in touch with us and tell us how God has ministered your life. Go to -contact us- send us an email or just fill it up the format»

“Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Marcos 5:36

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