16 Choose to be Happy 1.jpegLife is too short and it’s filled with beautiful moments that we must seize each day to be happy and to make those around us happy if it’s within our reach.


Just as there are different season that mark the time of year we’re living in, throughout our lives there are circumstances that mark a stage in each year we are allowed to live.

16 Choose to be HappyFor our body to form inside our mother’s womb there had to have been a perfect organization between every organism that intervened to make a human being. Just as it happens with animals according to their species, everything was coordinated by the Creator of everything there is.

Once a baby is born he is allowed to live outside of the womb that protected him for a time. He’ll receive the breath of life, not to live his own life because it doesn’t belong to him, but to live a life pleasing to the one who made him and gave him life.

As humans we have different stages in our lives, from the moment we are born until the moment we die. We are allowed to take actions about what we want to do or need. A baby cries because he is hungry, hot, cold or just needs to be held; as he grows older he’ll find new ways to get attention: some get irritated and change their attitude, whoever knows them well will know something is bothering them and that is the way they have chosen to communicate their needs or the way they feel.

During this stage of growth, every creature receives the care they need to develop in order to incorporate, adapt and be part of their environment; this will lead to a stage of conscience and self awareness where they recognize they are capable of making choices and think for themselves, among other things. As they grow older they’ll realize their decisions have real consequences.

From the moment we are aware of actions, some of this stages might prove to be unexpected, uncomfortable and may cause emotional pain but the Bible teaches us we must be grateful and give thanks to God for everything at every time. When we give thanks for everything we experience peace in the midst everything situation, that pushes us forward without stumbling, it helps us keep our hope and security that soon enough everything will pass. When the storm is over we’ll be able to say: God has been good, he has helped me this far.

16 Choose to be Happy

The only successful way not to let yourself be beaten by your circumstances is to recognize that there isn’t anything you can do to avoid the stage you are in, therefore the best thing we can do is seek refuge until the worst is over. “The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.” Psalms‬ ‭28:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬

Psalms 28:7 tells us “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.”

Life is too short and filled with beautiful moments, which is why we must seize everyday and choose to be happy to make those around us happy as long as it’s within our reach. We’ll not always be successful at being happy or making people happy but we must remember we aren’t perfect, if we hurt someone or get hurt, we must forgive ourselves and forgive others. Try not to hold a grudge or hold onto to your anger even if other do, pray for them and choose to be happy for yourself no matter the circumstances.

Choose to close the door to bitterness and misunderstanding, and above all wait in God who will put everything in its place in due time according to his will.

16 choose to be happy 3


Spring is beautiful because it surrounds us with nature with its beautiful colors and perfect weather, but not everybody is able to enjoy it because they suffer from allergies that make them guard themselves during the season. This doesn’t mean that spring is bad or that we can keep it from coming, we must learn to take alternative measures to help us get through it.

This is the way we must face tough times, when necessary we must make changes to help us face each season in our lives with courage and certainty that we are not alone and that there is someone that has always taken care of us even before our embryo was formed in our mother’s womb, because we are his creatures and our lives belong to him. “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭24:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬‬‬

Above all choose to be happy no matter the circumstances that mark the season you are going through. Trust God, wait in him and in due time he will do and show you his perfect will for your life.


“Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Marcos 5:36

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