IMG 0975It’s time to build a better tomorrow, free of guilt. Start your change today, don’t say you’ll start tomorrow. Tomorrow might not come.

Whether we are aware of it or not we all carry guilt that doesn’t allow us to get rid of what hinders us to be successful in life. In the majority of cases it’s just an excuse to stop you from starting a different way of living than what you are used to. We can’t do anything to change our past but we can change our future.
Your future depends on the attitude with which you face life and the changes you make today, these changes will continue tomorrow and you’ll get better every day.

If you believe you don’t have any abilities to help you to be successful, you might be right, because you haven’t know God and what he teaches us through his word.

Each one of us has been given talents, there are some who have more than others and with God’s help they’ll develop these according to His will. To understand and accept that this is so we must affirm our belief in God and his son Jesus Christ and whether we want to or not everything in life and even death revolves around Him.

His word tells us so, “I am the Alpha and the Omega”, says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty” Revelations 1:8 NIV
It’s for this reason that a lot of people feel God’s love and power when they are close to death and is at that moment that they recognize him as their savior. Even though is not late for salvation, they have lost the opportunity to experience the power of God in their daily life.

By accepting Jesus Christ and serve God we acknowledge we are His perfect creation, when we read His Word, the Bible, we realize that in it there is a complete guide to behave in a way that is pleasing to God, it avoids confusion about who we really are, it gives us advice that keeps us from suffering and shows us what is the true treasure we must look after, among other things. When we put into action what we have read in His word, we rid ourselves of anything that might hinder us from reaching true success, we develop the talents we have received from God.

Many have confused success with having a fortune. To be successful you don’t need to be a millionaire, the millions some people might have on their banks accounts aren’t true success. Even when those people “have it all” they are empty inside and nothing they possess helps them to feel good about themselves, they are always searching for something to satisfy their needs.The only one capable of fulfilling every need is God, because we are his perfect creation, that void we feel can only be filled by the Holy Spirit of God and even if we don’t have things in abundance, if we have him we have it all. To be filled with the Holy Spirit there are steps to follow:

 Believing in God
 Accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior.
 Repent from our sins and never sin again.

Life is too short to waste our time in things that are of no benefit. We mustn’t let fear conquer us, in our hearts and minds we must say “enough is enough”. For others to believe in us we must believe in ourselves first and stop feeling sorry for ourselves because we don’t have opportunities. The opportunities are there for all but each person has to dare to go for it.
This is true in our Christian walk, the things we achieve in our ministry will come if we strive and are brave. God spoke to Joshua and said: “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.”
‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬‬
God was demanding something of him and promised to be with him, in order to do so he had to be courageous and brave and follow God’s word completely. This hasn’t changed, nowadays God is demanding we do the things he has called us to do and has made it clear it won’t be easy, but if we obey we will achieve something more precious spiritually speaking and also in every goal we have traced in our life.

Since none of us is perfect we must always be close to God and depend on Him in everything we do. We must strive to do everything according to His word and let God’s will shape our future. without a doubt, God’s plans for our lives are better than our own.
Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” God is not only aware of your present but he knows what is to come and has a perfect plan for all. In him there is no need, we are the ones who set limitations that inhibit us from reaching what has been granted to us. God knows how we’ll react to the test and who won’t be able to stand firm. However he is always there for everyone who believes and trusts in him and all who no matter the circumstances keep strong in their faith so that they can be witnesses if God’s power and the amazing things he’ll do when trials arise. Trust in the one who can do it all and come to him. Stop wasting your time, enough is enough!

“Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Marcos 5:36

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