Nothing happens by chance, God is in control at all times. So if God is love and has everything under control, why do humans walk away from him?
“The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;” Psalm 121:7 NIV
And we know we walk way because we don’t follow the advices that God, as a loving father, has for us. Have you ever wondered why we have the tendency to follow our own opinion about what we should or shouldn’t do?
Without a doubt the answer is because we are humans created with free will (freedom to choose) which means we have the freedom to choose how we want to live, according to what each of us thinks is right. What is true is that it’s in our nature to always walk towards evil.
What is evil?
According to the universal principal, started in Genesis 1:1, evil is every act that goes against the will of God. And it’s called evil because every thing that it’s done outside of the will of God, sooner or later will make us suffer, therefore God’s word is fulfilled: your thoughts are not my thoughts. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
All of us want things to go right in our lives: living peacefully, being happy, seeing the fruits of our labor, etc. But to reach this and more it is necessary to follow the instructions and the steps in the correct order to reach the desired success.
We have heard it said: “there is not manual to be a good father”, “no one is born knowing it all”, “there isn’t a recipe to reach happiness”, “every cloud has a silver lining”.
The answers to everything are inside the manual left to us by the first great arquitect and teacher of teachers, you got it, it’s the Bible.
In it you’ll find a step by step guide on how to be a good son/daughter, a good parent, a good husband/wife.
It teaches us to love ourselves, to love our neighbors. It teaches us to be grateful, first of all, to our creator and to everyone else. It calls us to be strong and motivate us to face our challenges knowing we will have the victory as long as we walk side by side with Jesus and don’t forget the advices the Father has given us for our daily lives.
Therefore if you want to be a successful person, stick to the manual, God’s word. In it you’ll find that even though you go through unexpected suffering, this will work for your good, just like the Bible tells us in Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
We no longer have an excuse to keep living our lives in disorder. In his word, God shows us that he is the absolute creator of everything there is. He is the arquitect, engenier, designer, decorator, administrator of the world and everything in it. As a creator he designed the guide to follow while we walk this earth, so we don’t lose our way and can grow according to the perfect plan that he has in store for us and when our days are over we will finally be reunited with him and will be able to reach an unending joy that will last forever. If on the contrary no matter what opportunities you have had, you still reject God’s word, sadly what you will face while on this earth and after will be the same fate as the enemy of our souls, he who has been called adversary, father of lies, roaring lion, who looks for a prey to devour. In case you haven’t noticed , he has been after you for a long time to make you his, he wants you to be unhappy, to distance yourself from your loved ones, he wants to see you suffering and making those who love you suffer.
Why wait any longer? There is no time to waste to be part of God’s plan, it’s up to us to make the most important decision of our lives. We must accept that we need Jesus in our lives, let’s use our free will and search him with all our hearts and ask him to guide us, to make a genuine change pleasing to him.
God is just and he knows we can’t do this on our own, but if we call out to him and accept his son as our savior, if we repent and clean our hearts of everything he doesn’t like, then we will see God working in our lives and we will be witnesses of the power of God, who changes and restores.
In God’s mind everyone deserves to be happy because we are God’s perfect creation and because for the loves he has for us, he sent his son Jesus, “that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV
Eternal life filled with joy next to the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit or eternal life filled with pain and brokenness in the fiery lake of burning sulfur next to our adversary.
You choose.