If you’re reading this it means you’ve decided to become a part of the winning team,

 If you haven’t giving the first step towards joining it, I invite you to do it now.

Right where you are, repeat after me:

My Lord Jesus, I recognize you are God’s son, I accept you as my only savior, I ask you to forgive my sins and live in my heart, amen!

If what you need is to reconcile with Him, His word tells us that He never turns away a humble and contrite heart. Just ask for forgiveness and it will be given.
That’s it! You’ve given a big step that will change your life and the life of those around you.

In the last post we talked about how Jesus said “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. These were His words for everyone who believes in Him.

I wish to address those who are new believers and those who, for some reason, have falter, I would like to tell you that what allows us to be a part of Jesus’ team is first of all, to want it with all our heart and to be actively involved in it.
Our goal shouldn’t be just being part of it but to play an active role in it, to do that we must be consistent and make changes in our attitude towards others to be better every day. We must give God our weaknesses and our failures and in doing so we give Him a chance to be close to us and to know Him better.

Sprinkles of Love and Hope welcomes you to the winning team, as members of the same team we are joined to the source of love and hope that I’d found in Jesus Christ.
He has said: “… but take heart! I have overcome the world”
Therefore give Him all your troubles, your weaknesses, everything you know He disapproves of. By yourself you won’t be able to change, it’s not with your strength but with His power that change will come. He will help you deal with everything and even while facing the storm, you will have peace.

Is there something God can’t do? – Just believe! 

“Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Marcos 5:36

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