20 SIEMPRE TE AYUDARE 2“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬


We all face difficult situations in life, we all dream of achieving our goals, we all fear failure, but not all of us are paralyzed by fear. We might have stopped for a while, however there is someone who comes to our rescue and lifts us up, making us feel we are not alone, and even though we feel discouraged shows us mercy and strengthens us.

There are times when we need much more than the help and support from our loved ones. We face battles that we aren’t able to fight on our own or with anyone else’s help.
We must find the right kind of help, the help that comes from God Almighty. Through Jesus Christ, God is always attentive to our needs, He knows our highs and lows just as he know what is to come, nothings in this world compares to Him.
He know the situations we are facing and what we’ll face in the future. We were created for His glory, the only thing God has wanted for us since the beginning of times is to protect us from evil. In his word, the Bible, there are warnings and reprimands for those who don’t follow his commandments, just as there are compliments for those who, throughout the story told in the Bible, did good and fulfilled his commands. The Bible holds the outcome for those who came before us and what will become of us. The Bible times are part of the history of Christianity, the times we are living now are being written according to the decisions we make and will in time be part of the history of Christianity.

Everything that’s written in his word is the only foundation for our growth, to be able to reach his favor in our daily life. Our attitudes, actions and life style are making their mark not only in our present but our future as well. Not only in our life but the life that is to come. There are things in our past we aren’t able to change but we can count on God’s perfect help to bring healing to the things we’ve done wrong. We just need to ask for forgiveness and show true repentance for what we’ve done, his word tells us that he is forgiving and once we have been forgiven, He doesn’t remember our sins anymore. This act makes us clean and restores us, it makes us worthy of standing in God’s presence. As his creation he loves us but he can’t be near us if there is sin in our lives, not unless we recognize the things we’ve done wrong and ask forgiveness.

It’s a great relief to know we count on someone who is Almighty specially when we know we must face great challenges. To be able to count on this help we must be close to him, know we know how to do that!

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I would like us to remember what made us shake with fear when we were little. Do you remember what it was that caused you fear? Do you remember who was there to clam you down? What were the words they said? Or did they just hugged you and tell you everything was going to be alright?

One day when I was young, after basketball practice, I was walking towards the bus station on a lonely street. A strange men came towards me and looked like he intended to do me harm, it scared me so much and I had nowhere to hide. All of a sudden three people came of of a house in front of the street I was in and I rushed to cross the street and get ahead of them.
For a moment I felt secured but when I turned back the three people where gone and who was behind me was the same man that had come towards me before, he had also crossed the street. By then my mind was blocked, I didn’t know what to do and I felt like my legs were paralyzed, my heart was racing so fast it was hard to breathe, I felt breathless. In a matter of seconds a taxi cab stopped abruptly and I heard shouts from the people inside telling me to get in, I did so without question, to my surprise the people inside were the same three people that had come out of the house. They had recognize the bad man’s intention and came to my rescue.

I’m very sure God took care of me just as I was about to faint he made me realize he hadn’t left me alone, even though my legs felt numb he gave me the strength to run towards the help he had sent me. “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” Isaiah 41:10

It was clear to me he had sent the help I needed at the time I needed it. His power had manifested, he put the desire to protect me in the people’s heart, they held out their hand and brought me to safety even though they didn’t knew me.

The one who knows it all knew there would come a time when I would giving praise and glory to Him for everything he has done for me. The greatest things I have received from him is his forgiveness and salvation for my soul. That’s the reason why I write, first of all for his honor and glory, second of all because it fills me with joy to share how great he is with others, I can share his love and be a witness of his love in my life.
As if that weren’t enough, every time I sit down to write, he ministers my life in a special way, letting me know once more that I’m not alone. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬‬‬

Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes, however asking for forgiveness sets us free, all the bad stuff stay behind. God forgives us no matter what we’ve done and doesn’t remember it again. Before God we are all sinners he knows us better than anyone, we must me humble and recognize we need his forgiveness.

Don’t wait any longer, let us know what God is doing in your life.