I don’t have a degree in education, I’m not a teacher or a psychologist but the university of life and my relationship with God gives me the privilege to do what I’m passionate about

  • that is writing about the different ways in which God has ministered my life. It hasn’t been easy to get to where I am but His love and mercy help me every day.

    Sprinkle of Love and Hope has been thought of with the only purpose to help those without hope and to encourage the weary.

    As I start this blog I would like to reflect on Jesus’s words

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

No matter your age, sex or social status, we are all exposed to suffering, now more than ever. If we want to move forward and be victorious in every situation we find ourselves in we must walk towards He who has conquered the world, we do that by living according to His word. When we don’t do it we are at a disadvantage, on a losing team simple as that!

God wants to minister our lives and encourage us to get in the game, be part of his team and at the end obtain many victories.

The choice is up to you! Do you want to belong to the winning team? Or the loser team?

I’ll leave you with that thought and may the Holy Spirit help you make the right decision before God.

Trust in Him, believe in Him! Jesus once told a synagogue leader: “Don’t be afraid, just believe.” This man had just found out his daughter had died, he was waiting for the Lord to come home with him to heal her and although he heard the bad news. He believed Jesus words, his name was Jairus.

No matter the situation you find yourself in, God is letting you know that you don’t have to go through this alone, He wants to help you and bless your life.

Is there something God can’t do? – Just believe!